Actual problem
The following figure shows a presentation on how a wafer with Unique ID (Serial Number) W01 moves through a dicing operation that dices the wafer in quarters. After the dicing operation the quartersare serialized: W01-1, W01-2, W01-3 and W01-4

Before we start the configuration, there are a number of things to note:
- The wafer is already serialized and can be picked from inventory or be on the Traveler where it completed a previous step
- All quarters have the same Part Definition
- Even thought the quarters will have the same Part Definition, they will be individually traceable
- Traceability of the quarters is achieved by assigning a serial number to the parts
Configuration / Implementation
The following figure shows a possible implementation for this Wafer dicing operation.

The configuration consist of the following EZ-MES objects:
- A Flow Definition called 'Dice and Serialize' consisting of two Step Definitions.
- A 'Dice Wafer' Step Definition with an Input - Output element.
- A 'Serialize Quarts' Step with a 'Quart ID' Unique Data Entry field
Moving a Traveler
The following figure show what will happen when a Traveler moves through the dicing and serialization step:

The following has to be noted:
- The Traveler starts in the 'Dice Wafer' Step. A single Part Record is connected to the Traveler. This Part Record represents a Wafer with Part Definition (PD) WFR-01. The Wafer has an Unique ID / Serial Number: W01
- At the moment the Traveler moves from the 'Dice Wafer' step to the 'Serialize Quarts' step the following happens:
- The original Part Record of the Wafer is moved to the 'Consumed' State and is disconnected from the Traveler.
- 4 new Part Records are Created for the Wafer Quarts, these Part Records are connected to the current Traveler.
- Both Part Definitions of the Wafer and the Wafer Quart should be discrete parts
- The Unique ID of the Wafer Part Record (W01) is copied to all the new Part Records. This means that if you press F9 and type the 'W01' Unique ID in the search field that it will open 5 Part Records; one for the consumed Wafer and 4 for the Wafer Quarts
Please note that in this implemention example some of the configuration naming has been changed but the function remains the same.
Creating Part Definitions
The following Part Definitions will need to be created. Both parts will need to be 'Discrete' Parts.
- Wafer Whole
- Wafer Quarter
Creating Step Definitions
You will now have to create two Step Definitions.
Step Definition Name: Serialize Whole Wafer and Dice
This Step Definition will contain the 'Input/Output' that configures the incoming part to split into any given amount as the 'Output'. In our case, we will split the part from 1 to 4.
Step Definition Name: Serialize Wafer Quarters
This Step Definition does not need to contain a 'Input/Output'. With this Step, the Traveler will now show quantity of attached parts being '4'.
Create a Flow Definition
You will need to create a Flow Definition that will contain the previously created Step Definitions.
Flow Definition Name: Dice Wafers To Quarters
Add the Step Definitions as shown in the image below.
Your configuration should now be completed.