The following figure gives a schematic presentation of the flow to make packaged loafs of Honey Ham: EZ-MES Implementation for making Processed Ham

The first step in making processed ham is to dump several Combos (Big huge boxes on pallets) of meat into a machine that perfoms 2 functions. It injects a pickle, which is a brine solution into the meat and massages it, which means kind of shredding the injected meat. a batch of ham is typically about 16,000 lbs.

At the far end of this machine is a big dumper that dumps the injected meat into a number of vats.

The vats are taken to a cooling area (Although the whole factory is refrigerated) where they wait and let the pickle marinate. After cooling for a while the vats are dumped into a final massage machine along with some ground meat.

The final massage machine is a 2 step process, it performs final massage and then stuffs the massaged meat into plastic bags. These bags are sent to a cooker.

The flow ends with the bags of meat coming out of the cooker, however depending on whether the ham is being sold as sliced ham, or loafs of ham, and whether or not there is a glaze on the surface, or a smokey flavor is added, the subsequent processing is different.


  • HHPickle (Honey Ham Pickle) is a non-discrete part that is the result of another flow.
  • The RHAM Combos are proabably marked with Unique Batch Numbers. Multiple of these Combos are used as input for the HHam. If the HHam, that comes out of the Inject step is a single Part Record, than we have to use the consumption NV to pick the Combos. This would make the Flow a 'Create Parts' Flow.

    The fact that it is a 'Create' flow implies that the HHAM Part Record is created a non discrete part on the Inject step.