FD48x48Icon  =>  PD48x48

Flow Definitions can be connected to specific Part Definitions and be used as Inventory Flows to receive the parts. This connection can be created on the general tab of Part Definition Form.

By defining this connection, Travelers derived from the connected Flow Definition will automatically be created and initialized when Part Records based on the connected Part Definitions are created by any Inventory Adjustments.

Inventory Flows can implement the following:

  • Add serialized parts to inventory without manually creating a new traveler
  • Enforce quality inspection flow procedures for incoming material
  • Assign location to parts and equipment
  • Define categories for parts and equipment
  • Attach files associated with parts or equipment e.g. datasheets, warranty forms etc...
  • Perform customized tests on parts or equipment

A single Flow Definition can be used to serialize the Part Records of multiple different Part Definitions (Even if the syntax for the serialization is different for the received Parts).

Step 1: Create Receive Flow Definition

Create your own receive Flow Definition. This can be a simple single step flow just for serializing the parts, or it can contain different operations for incoming inspection steps.

When you create this Flow Definition you have to take care of the following:

  • The Part State at end of Flow is set to RMI.
  • It is recommended to turn off the Create Parts checkmark on the Flow Definition Form. This way the you can only add the parts by adjusting the inventory form.

    If you check it, it will still work the same, but on the Traveler Form it will have an additional section to add additional Part Records.

  • By adding input-output constraints and attaching Unique ID Data Entries to the different Input Output Constraints, you are able to define different Serial Number syntax for different parts (In case you decide to let EZ-MES generate the serial numbers automatically)

The following figure shows the general Tab of the Flow Definition Form.

How to crate an Inventory Flow Definition

Step 2: Link Flow Definition to Part Definition

The following figure shows how the Flow Definition can be linked to the Part Definition:

How to link Parts to specific Serialize and or incoming Inspection Flows

To link the Flow Definition to a Part Definition take the following steps:

  1. After opening the Part Definition Form move the  Part Definition back to Pending if it was Active, by pressing the Previous Button.
  2. Select the Inventory Flow from the Pull Down.
  3. Move the Part Definition back to Active to let the changes take effect.

Step 3: Receive Parts with Inventory Adjustment

If everything is configured correctly, it will work in the following way:

How to link Parts to specific Serialize and or incoming Inspection Flows

To receive parts by using a pre defined receive flow, take the following steps:

  1. Open the Inventory Management Desktop by clicking the Inventory tab.
  2. Click the Inventory Adjustment Icon; this will open the 'Manage Part Inventory' form.
  3. Fill out the Quantity of Part you would like to add to Inventory.
  4. Press the 'Plus' sign next to the quantity field, this will automatically create the Traveler, move the Traveler to Active, Create the Part Records, attach them to the Traveler and open the Traveler Form.
  5. In this example: Fill out the Serial Numbers.
  6. Pres the Done button on the Traveler Form, and the Parts will be added to Inventory.

Useful Links

Click one of the following links to learn more about EZ-MES Inventory Management