This tuturorial will show you how to create a Lot ID and Serialize the individual Parts in the Lot using a Sequencer. The Purpose of this is to have the Sequencer reset the Parts back to '1' each time it is processed through the Step.

The result would be an inventory that resembles the following:




We can begin configuration with the Step Definition. This example will be an inventory receive Step Definition. However, it could be any Step Definition in which you want to perform this sort of operation on. After the Step Definition is configured it should be placed on a Flow Definition for proper execution.

Configuration Overview



Aside from just adding the Name Value (NV) to the Step Definition, no other configuration is needed. Optionally you can hide the NV from being displayed on the Traveler. This is done by accessign the Advanced Tab of the NV form.


Hide NV: Checked 


Lot NV Configuration

Auto Generate: Checked

Syntax: L{LOT-}N{4}



You must first Define UID Variable that references the Lot NV.  


Auto Generate: Checked

Syntax: VAR{LOT}L{-}S{2}

* syntax explanation

  • VAR{LOT}: uses LOT variable,
  • L{-}: inputs Literal character '-',
  • S{2}: Uses value from Sequencer NV



Now that the Step Definition and Name-Values are configured, we can test out the execution by running a couple Parts through a Traveler.  

Initiate Traveler

  1. Execution Desktop
  2. Create New Traveler
  3. Define Traveler Information: Flow Definition, Requested Part Definition, and Requested Quantity.
  4. Launch Traveler



Create Parts on Traveler

  1. Enter Quantity to Add (5)
  2. Click 'Create New Parts for this Traveler' icon



Execute Name Values on Traveler

If the Lot NV is executed first with the Batch input, you will see that All the Part Records are assigned the same Lot Number since they are all in the same batch.  

After the UID NV is executed, you will see how it takes the LOT Number and appends the Sequence NV Number to it.


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