After Configuration of Scheduled Equipment PM's, you can test the feature by performing the following actions.

Change the spec value of your 'Brand X Thermal Cycling Oven' within the step definition.  Use a small number for this example.  We dont want to have to process too many runs to fire the trigger.  After your edit, be sure to put the definition back to 'Active Status'.


Now you may begin your 'Heat Part Flow'.    Request Part Widget A, and a quantity of 1.  Now click the Create Traveler icon.



Attach the part, Widget A, by clicking the 'Add Part Icon' New48x48

Remember the Flow Type is a 'Make Part', so we are not selecting any particular part that is in inventory.  Adding part in with this Flow Type will only increase the 'Attached Quantity'.

Now you will need to use the 'Select Oven' Name Value.  To do this, you should already have added a serialized equipment instance as stated in the configuration portion of this excercise. 


The current step, 'Heat Cycle', is now complete.  You can now move the attached part to the next step by clicking the 'Linked Equipment Flow' icon.EquipmentInstance48x48Start.  After you do this, you will be transfered to the 'Equipment Use Flow'.  This was attached to the Equipment Definition of the oven, and implemened as a Equipment Name Value on our step.


For the sake of making things realistic we will enter the 'Temp Value' as 144 and complete the step.

Now is the time to notice the 'Run Count' NV is set to '1'. 


After you sign off this step, you can repeat the process to make the 'Run Count' increase once again.  This action will produce the following results.

  • An email notification will be sent out because the trigger fired. 


  • The equipment instance will be automatically repositioned to the 'Equipment Maintenance' flow.  This particular flow will put the equipment in an 'Unscheduled-Down'  state while it is still active.  This will prevent the equipment from being selected by other flows while the maintenance is being performed.


Now that the equipment instance has been placed on a 'Equipment Maintence' flow, you can began to process the traveler.  Open the traveler up and sign off the first step.  The first step in our case is 'Equipment Maintenance Step'.  In a real life situation it maybe be a series of steps or possibly just one.

The final step, 'EQ Maintenance Sign Off' in the 'Equipment Maintenance' flow, will reset the counter to 0.  The final step will also require that an authorized user signs off the step.  A dialog box will pop up and ask for the approved users password.  The user(s) allowed to sign off was configured during the NV setup.


After you complete this step, the equipment instance will then be put back on 'Standby Mode' as per the Flow Definition.  The step sign off also fires the Trigger which sends out the email notification that the maintenance is complete and the unit is back online.


You have now just completed the excersize of configuring and running a test for automatic Equipment PM scheduling.