You must be carefull when selecting Pre-Defined Variables from with Triggers.  If you call an incorrect variable type, the result will not be returned as desired.  The Pre-Defined Variables are determined by how the Event is attached to the Step Definition.  

When attaching a Event to a Step Definition you will have two options. 

  • Attach Event to: Part
  • Attach Event to: Traveler

If you attach the Event to the PART then the Pre-Defined Variable will be as follows:


Current Traveler Part Name
Current Traveler Part Description
Current Traveler Step


Current Part Traveler
Current Part No
Current Part Rev

The opposite will hold true when an Event is attached to the Traveler.

What is the difference between Traveler and Part?

The difference between attaching the Event to either the Traveler or Part is that the associated Actions will act on the Traveler as a whole, or on the individual Part(s).  

For instance if an Event is attached to the Traveler, and you have an Action to reposition Part(s) based on a condition, then ALL the parts on the Traveler will be moved.

However, if the Event is attached to the Part, only the Part meeting the condition will be moved.

Another example would be an email type Action.  A Event of this type attached to a Traveler would result in a single email being sent for the entire Traveler.  If the same Event was attached to a Part, then an Email would be sent out for each Part in the Step.