Please note, that EZ DB Loader has been replaced by another application called EZ DB-Sync Application. It is suggested that you replace any usage of EZ DB Loader with the new application as it will no longer be supported.


The script files determine the tables that are created and what columns are available in these tables. You can use the provided sample script files below:


JSON Script File Column Definition

The column has the following attributes:

  • sTyp: The iType Attributes attribute for most of the PR table columns
  • sNm: The internal name for the column this has to match!!  If using uJob it should be specified here "sNm": "uJob".
  • sColumnName: The name for the column that will be created in the local database
  • sColumn_DataType: Data type for the column in the target database
  • sColumn_Nullable: If the column in the target database is null it should have a value
  • bMakeColumnOnly: Boolean to determine if the column is used for the update queries –
    • FALSE sets the column for subsequent update queries
  • sDataType: The data type of the value in the MES database
  • bPrimaryKey: if True then it should only be in one column per table.  It will be the primary key.
  • bIdentity: If true the column will be Identity.  Must specify "sColumn_DataType": "int"



This is a required attribute for most of the PR table columns. For the PSR and NVR tables this is not a required attribute. The sNm will determine the type that is returned by the MES system.



This is the name of the column within the MES system. So the values for this attribute are fixed. You cannot make up your own values.



The column name should abide by the normal rules for SQL Column Names. We like to recommend thefollowing:1. Do not use ‘USER’ as a column name (All reserved SQL words)2. Do not use spaces3. Do not use special characters (~, &, *, @, #, $, %, etc…)



If null the value should have a value



The data type for the value in the MES database. The data type is an attribute for the JSON column object and is the data type ‘string’. The following shows how the data type is defined for a specific column:


You define the data type by adding the following attribute to the column JSON object:
"sDataType" is a pre-defined as a string and the following values are all possible for value:

  • string
  • bool
  • long
  • double

If the data type is not defined the system will default to data type ‘string’. So if the addressed attribute needs to be processed as a sting, you don’t have to specify the data-type.  In most cases the sDataType limits the choices for the sColumn_DataType:

  • 1. "sDataType":"string" or not defined:
  • a. "sColumn_DataType":"NVARCHAR(MAX)"
  • 2. "sDataType":"long" will only allow the following sColumn_DataType:
  • a. "sColumn_DataType":"BIGINT"
  • 3. "sDataType":"datetime" will only allow the following sColumn_DataType:
  • a. "sColumn_DataType":"DATETIME"
  • 4. "sDataType":"bool" will only allow the following sColumn_DataType:
  • a. "sColumn_DataType":"BIT"
  • 5. "sDataType":"double" will only allow the following sColumn_DataType:
  • a. "sColumn_DataType":"FLOAT"


Sample Script Files


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