
The EZ User Importer can import both Users and User Groups/Roles into EZ-MES.


Installation and Source Code

ClickOnce Installation is used to install the executable onto your computer. 

Installation Link

Source Code is downloadable via our Repository.  A username and password is required to access this.  It is available by request only.  

Source Code Link


Application Screenshot



Settings Configuration

After the clickOnce installation is complete you will need to configure the Settings.  To access Settings go to >File, >Settings


  • Soap User: This is the Username you use to log into EZ-MES
  • Soap Key: This is the Passkey that is generated within EZ-MES.  If you dont have one: Generate a New PassKey
  • Web-Service URL: This is the URL used to access EZ-MES.  You will need to add the '/eazywebservice.asmx' at the end.  

Use the Test Passkey button on the upper left to verify your settings are configured correctly.  After the settings are completed successfully close this form.  You should not have to re-enter this for future uses.

Main Tab

To perform a batch import, an Excel file would need to be populated.  The following columns are required at a minimum to create new users.

  • User Name
  • Email
  • Security Question
  • Security Answer
  • Password

You can also download this User Import Excel Template that includes some additional fields for import.

With a User Populated Excel file, perform the following steps to execute the Batch Import.

  1. Select Excel File
  2. Match up the EZ-MES Attribute with the Excel Column Header
    1. This enables the 'Execute Import' icon
  3. Execute Import


Error Review

After the import is completed you can review the message box to see if there were any errors during import.  


Settings Tab

There are two options on the Settings Tab.

  • Overwrite an Existing User
  • Overwrite an Existing User Group

If checked, each of these will overwrite existing Users or Usergroups specified in your Excel file if they already exist in the EZ-MES Application.


Edit / Create User Tab

There are two options in the Edit / Create User as indicated by the Tab Name.  Select which option you would like to use.


  1. Select Edit Existing User
  2. Choose the User to Edit
  3. Type Password
  4. Type New Password
  5. Modify any items you wish to change
  6. Modify Roles if needed
  7. Submit to execute edits




All fields marked with a red asterick are required.  To create a new user follow the sequence below.

  1. Select Create New user
  2. Enter new User name
  3. Provide user email address
  4. Enter Security Question
  5. Enter Security Answer
  6. Type Password
  7. Modify any items you wish to change
  8. Modify Roles if needed
  9. Submit to execute edits