Most information in EZ-MES can be obtained from listboxes. Any of these Listboxes can be exported to Excel. There are 2 different ways to start this Excel export:

  • Direct Export

    Dependent on your browser settings the data will be displayed directly in an Excel spreadsheet in Excel, or will open in your browser as an Excel spread sheet. You can start the export by clicking the small Excel icon Button20x20ExportExcelin the lower right corner of the Listbox.

  • E-mail as attachment

    In case you are not able to export the data using the Direct Export, you can click the e-mail icon in the lower right corner of the listbox. This will e-mail the Excel spreadsheet as an attachment to your user e-mail address.

Information from Listboxes

Most of the EZ-MES Objects can be listed in Listboxes. These Listboxes can be accessed from the different Desktops or from the sub-listboxes of Popup Forms / Dialogs showing the information for a single EZ-MES Object.

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