Example of Configuration Management.
Creating User Groups
The first step you will need to do is create two User Groups. They User Groups should be defined as:
- Engineering
- Quality and Manufacturing
You can add whichever users you would like to each of the groups.
Creating Email Messages
Create New Documents of the E-Mail type. There will be four Documents which you can use the following settings:
Title: ECN moved to sign off (document 1),
ECN is approved (document 2),
ECN is rejected (document 3),
Document is released (document 4)
Doc Number: Auto-generate
Revision: Auto-generate
Document Type: Email
Subject:<%A%> is waiting for approval (document 1),
<%A%> ECN is approved (document 2),
<%A%> ECN is rejected (document 3),
<%A%> Document is released (document 4),
Add Variables:
- Variable Type: Pre-Defined, -- Current Part UID --
- Variable Name: A
- Now click the plus sign
Upload E-Mail body template: See sample below
Now you can move the Document to 'Active' and it should look similar to the image below.