This page will explain how on a Step Definition 'Spec Limits' can be defined. This can be used to guarentee that products passing through a specific step are within the specification of the process. These specs can be made product specific.

Take the following steps:

  1. Find and open the Step Definition
  2. Click the 'Name-Value Pairs' tab on the Step Definition Form
  3. Click the data entry of 'Number' in the 'Name-Value Pairs' listbox.
  4. After adding the new 'Name-Value Pair' to the step definition you can then further edit the 'Name-Value Pair' by clicking it in the listbox.
  5. The dialog for the specific Data Entry will open
  6. Fill out the min, max and or the equal field


From now on the Traveler will not be able to move to the next step if it does not meet the specifications.

Useful Links

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