There are a many ways in which you can check out a code repository.  Below you will find two methods we commonly use to checkout code from our repository

Visual Studio Respository Checkout via ankhSVN

Please follow these instructions In the event you have been granted access to open our source code from subversion.

To proceed you must have ankhSVN for Visual Studio installed

Open Visual Studio.  Depending on your version of Visual Studio, you may have different menu options as those shown (Visual Studio 2010).

If at any point you are asked for a username and password, use the one provided by EazyWorks.  



  1. You will now be required to add the Respository URL.  Do so by clicking the 'Add Repository URL' icon.
  2. Type in the following URL as shown in the image.
  3. Hit the OK button to proceed.



Once the URL has been added, you can now select the solution file: Mensa.sln



You will now be prompted with additional options for the project download.  Generally, you will accept all the default settings, unless you desire to save in a alternate location.




Visual Studio will now begin 'Checking Out Solution'.  This process downloads the Project from the Repository to your local computer.




Tortoise SVN Repository Checkout

You must first have Tortoise SVN Installed on your system.  Visit the Tortoise SVN Website and download the appropriate version.

Open up a file browser and create a folder where you wish to store the repository.  

1. You should have a context menu while inside a file browser.  To view this menu you should right-click on your mouse.



2. With the menu open, click 'SVN Checkout'


3. The path to our EZ-MES Repository is

The default settings should be fine, but incase they are different, make sure you have the following values before clicking OK.

  • URL of Repository:
  • Checkout Directory: The current folder you are in
  • Checkout Depth: Fully recursive
  • Revision: HEAD Revision


4. After you click OK, the files should be downloading.  When its completed you will see the following dialog.