This example details how to reposition a Part from a Traveler to a Hold or Scrap flow while recording the reject reason from any Step in your process flow for analysis using a Pareto Plot. This example assumes that both the Flow and Step definitions have already been configured for both the main process flow and the receiving scrap flow.

The primary focus of this example is the specific Name Value Pair configuration requirements on both the main process and hold flow to complete the desired functionality.


This example will configure the NV's of a simple 3 step Flow Definition called 'Make Widget' with the following Step Definitions and Name Values:

  1. Step 1 - NV 1: 'Reject', NV 2: 'Reason Reference' and NV 3: 'Reject Pareto Ref' (Master NV)
  2. Step 2 - NV 1: 'Reject' and NV 2: 'Reason Reference'
  3. Step 3 - NV 1: 'Reject' and NV 2: 'Reason Reference'

In each of the three Steps a user can reject parts (Reposition function) to a scrap flow and select a reason for the rejection from a pulldown menu displaying the following options:

  • Pulldown NV 1: 'Reject'
    • Burr
    • Delamination
    • Scratch
    • Crack

The scrap flow that receives the Part(s) will have the reject reason already completed by the Traveler from which it was split. This reject reason can then be analysed for all scrap parts using the Pareto Plot analysis feature in EZ-MES to decipher which types of reject are the most prevalent between 'Burr', 'Delamination', 'Scratch' and 'Crack'.

Main Flow Reject Data Configuration

To make the process Flow behave as described we first define 3 Name Values for Step 1 of the Flow Definition:

  1. NV 1: 'Reject' - Pulldown with 'Burr', 'Delamination', 'Scratch' and 'Crack' options
  2. NV 2: 'Reason Reference' - Calc NV to copy the current step's Reject NV pulldown selection and write the value to 'Reject Pareto Ref'
  3. NV 3: 'Reject Pareto Ref' - Text NV to record any of the Flow Definition's step 'Reject' NV pulldown selections


Now configure the second NV entry 'Reason Reference' - Calc NV to copy the current step's Reject NV pulldown selection and write the value to 'Reject Pareto Ref':


Now configure the third NV entry 'Reject Pareto Ref' - Text NV to record any of the Flow Definition's three step 'Reject' NV pulldown selections


Click on the NV 'Reason Reference' to open the NV window and configure it write it's value to the final NV 'Reject Pareto Ref' as illustrated below:


To summarize, we have configured the three NVs for just Step 1 so far:

  1. NV 1: 'Reject' - pulldown menu to record the defect type
  2. NV 2: 'Reason Reference' - reference Calc NV whose purpose is to write the 'Reject' pulldown selection to the final NV 'Reject Pareto Ref'
  3. NV 3: 'Reject Pareto Ref' - receiving text NV for the Reject pulldown selection for all three steps in the flow (Final configuration is still to be completed to cover Step 2 and 3 of the flow)

Copy NV 1 'Reject' and NV 2 'Reason Reference' for the Remaining Steps

Now we just need to replicate the NV entries 'Reject' and 'Reason Reference' for the remaining two Steps in the flow and the reject information will be updated and stored in Step 1's NV 'Reject Pareto Ref' from any point in the process flow 'Make Widgets'.

Clone the 'Reject' Pulldown NV for both Step 2 and Step 3, details on how to clone the NV and assign it's Step Definition location are illustrated below:


Repeat the clone procedure above for the final Step 3.


The configuration of NV 2 'Reason Reference' for Step 2 in the flow is illustrated below:


Now click the NV 2 'Reason Reference' from the NV list to open dialog to 'Write To Part NV' to the flow's reference NV 'Reject Pareto Ref' from Step 1 of the flow. Follow the instruction as illustrated below to complete the configuration:


The NV 'Reason Reference' must be copied for Step 3, repeat the procedure above making certain that the Step 3 'Reject' pulldown is linked to Step 3 NV 'Reason Reference' and not steps 1 and 2 of the flow i.e. in this example link SD12-00020: Reject to Step 2 and SD12-00030: Reject to Step 3 and connect both back to the reference NV from Step 1 using 'Write To Part NV' SD12-00010: Reject Pareto Ref in the Calculation Parameters section

Hold Flow Configuration

The Hold flow is linked to the specific process flow by it's Name Value entries. In this example we configure the Hold flow step to reference Step 1's NV 'Reject Pareto Ref' of the main process flow using a Calc NV. This Calc NV is then used to write the data to a container text NV for Pareto Plot analysis(Pareto Plots can't be generated directly from Calc NV entries). Follow the steps detailed below to configure the Hold flow to record all Defect data gathered from the main process flow 'Make Widgets':

Create a Calc NV named 'Reject Ref' and a text NV called 'Reject Pareto'.


Click on the Calc NV 'Reject Ref' to configure the NV as illustrated below:Reposition_with_Reject_Info_7

Now the system is configured to automatically fill out the Reject details of a split or repositioned part from the main process flow 'Make Widgets' to the Hold flow 'Scrap'.

Traveler View of the Reposition/Split


Pareto Plot Analysis of Scrap/Hold Flow's Reject Pareto NV
