From the Inventory Desktop the creation, inflows and outflows of parts can be managed.


Click one of the Icons to open the following Listboxes:

Open Listbox with all Purchase orders


In this List new Purchase Orders can be created. At the moment the Purchase Order is placed, the corresponding Part Records are created, and automatically moved into inventory by changing the Part State from 'ORD' (On Order) to 'RMI' (Raw Material Inventory)



Adjust Inventory

Icon for Inventory Adjustment

The Inventory Adjustment function opens a Parts list where you can change the quantities for all the Parts in the system. It will do this by creating Part Records with the increased/decreased quantity.

Open Listbox with all Shipments


In this List new Shipments can be created. Shipments that finalize will automatically move the material to shipped, by changing the Part State from 'FGI' (Finished Goods Inventory) to 'Shipped'

Status48x48FGI => Shipping48x48Icon


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