The Track In feature is used when you wish to accurately track the time an operator spends on a particular production step. The time when a step is started, cued, in process and finished is recorded by the system.

Track In is enabled on the Step Definition in the Advanced Tab by clicking the Check Box




The Track In feature on a step definition is not selected by default. To configure the Track In feature for a step one must manually check the Track In box in the Advanced Tab for each Step Definition.


The Track In feature once configured will record both the start and completion times for the step. The traveler will now display a new button on the top right of the window, a start or play button replaces the standard move to the next step button. Start the timer for the step by clicking the play button and then confirm OK on the "Start Processing?" pop up message, the button now is replaced by a stop and the standard move to next step button. For a simple step completion in one straight through time segment we record the end time by clicking the move to next step button.



An additional feature of the Track In function is to log seperate time segments for the step. If an operator had to leave the station for a meeting or lunch break then the timer can be stopped/cued by clicking the Stop button and then restarted by clicking the start button once again. EZ-MES will log all the individual In Process and cued time segments and keep track of everything, the complete time taken to finish the step, the In Process time by the operator and the cued time.



The Track In feature changes the content of the traveler report to display all In Process and Cued times for the step. In the example below we illustrate two recorded process times and one cued time before the step is finished. When Track In is not enabled on the step then the report only displays a single line entry for the start and end times of the step.
