This Event Trigger example implements an automatic scrap procedure on a traveler by establishing an event with trigger and action on each of the three step definitions for the process flow detailed below:

  • Event Trigger Example Flow
    • Step 1 - START PART
    • Step 2 - TEST PART
    • Step 3 - COMPLETE PART

Note: This example assumes that a scrap flow has already been configured for the system.

The event for the automatic scrap decision is a scanned error code entry name value (D01, D02, D03). If the error code is one of three predefined error codes and the traveler is submitted to the next step then it's completed/archived and the part on the traveler is repositioned onto a new traveler for a scrap flow.

If the scanned code is 'D00' then the traveler is approved as passed and is allowed to move on.

Alternatively if the scanned code is neither D00, D01, D02 or D03 then the traveler is not permitted to move on until an approved code is entered into the corresponding entry field (Configure the Error Code NV to be 'Required' to block the traveler from moving until a value is entered).

  • Code: D00 - 'Pass' - Part passes the test and can move on in the process flow
  • Code: D01 - 'Contamination' - Test fail and moved to scrap flow
  • Code: D02 - 'Cracked' - Test fail and moved to scrap flow
  • Code: D03 - 'Delamination' - Test fail and moved to scrap flow
  • All other text - 'No Scanned Error Code' - Traveler is to be blocked from moving ahead

To implement this configuration we must first create our action which is to:

  • Reposition the Part onto a scrap Flow
  • Display pop up message that the Part has been scrapped

Action Configuration
First we configure the action repositioning the Part on to a scrap Flow


Next we configure the action to display a Pop Up message 'This Part has been scrapped'


Trigger Definition
To define our trigger for the action we must monitor the 'Error Code' NV, the 'Monitor NV' and the current part step. We monitor the current part step as we wish to only reposition the part to the scrap flow when the traveler is submitted to the next step (If we did not include this extra monitor of the current step then the system would move to the part to the scrap flow as soon as an approved error code was entered).

For each of the three steps we must configure a customized trigger as illustrated below for the first step trigger:



  • [NV] = Step:SD10-000012 Rev:A : Monitor NV (Note: This variable must be matched to the step)
    • Displays one of 5 text entries: 
      • Pass
      • Contamination
      • Cracked
      • Delamination
      • No Scanned Error Code
  • [STEP] = SD10-000012 Rev:A (START PART)
  • [CSTEP] = -- Current Part Step -- (Predefined variable in EZ-MES)
  • [CODE] = Step:SD10-000012 Rev:A : Error Code 
    • This field is monitored for one of six possible entries:
      • D00 - Pass
      • D01 - Fail
      • D02 - Fail
      • D03 - Fail
      • Blank - Block Traveler
      • Any other alpha numeric entry

Done String Formula:

  • IIF([NV]!='Pass',IIF([STEP]!=[CSTEP],IIF([CODE]!='',[NV]!='No Scanned Error Code',FALSE),FALSE),FALSE)

The Done String formula above is a 4 term conditional AND statement using the variables NV, STEP, CSTEP and CODE as defined above.

Done String Formula Explanation
If Monitor NV is not equal to 'Pass' AND if Current Part Step is not equal to Step 'SD10-000012' AND the Error Code is not blank/null AND Monitor NV is not equal to 'No Scanned Error Code' then fire the trigger.

Configure Monitor NV to Process Different Error Codes



  • [NV] = Step:SD10-000012 Rev:A : Error Code
    • This field is monitored for one of six possible entries:
      • D00 - Output is 'Pass'
      • D01 - Output is 'Contamination'
      • D02 - Output is 'Cracked'
      • D03 - Output is 'Delamination'
      • Blank - Output is 'No Scanned Error Code'
      • Any other alpha numeric entry - Output is 'No Scanned Error Code'

String Formula:

  • IIF([NV]='D00','Pass',IIF([NV]='D01','Contamination',IIF([NV]='D02','Cracked',IIF([NV]='D03','Delamination','No Scanned Error Code'))))

String Formula Explanation
If NV equals 'D00' then output 'Pass', OR if NV equals 'D01' then output 'Contamination', OR if NV equals 'D02' then output 'Cracked', OR if NV equals 'D03' then output 'Delamination' else output 'No Scanned Error Code'.

Block Traveler from Moving for Non-Approved Codes
The current configuration handles all the different situations bar the instance when a non-approved code is entered and we wish to block the traveler from moving forward.

We will block the traveler from moving by configuring an extra NV called 'Pass Monitor', this NV will monitor the result of the 'Monitor NV' and if the result is 'Pass' then we display the text 'OK' else leave the field as a blank/null entry. We configure this new NV 'Pass Monitor' as required for all three steps in the flow definition and the system will now block the traveler from moving forward unless the output of the 'Monitor NV' in each step has the entry 'Pass'.



  • [NV] = Step:SD10-000012 Rev:A : Monitor NV (Monitor NV for Step 1)
  • [NV] = Step:SD10-000013 Rev:A : Monitor NV (Monitor NV for Step 2)
  • [NV] = Step:SD10-000014 Rev:A : Monitor NV (Monitor NV for Step 3)

String Formula:

  • IIF([NV]='Pass','OK','')

String Formula Explanation

If NV is equal to 'Pass' then output 'OK' else the entry field is blank/null.

Note: The calculated NVs used in this example must have their Calculation Parameters 'Display Type' set to Text in order for the configuration to work otherwise nothing will be displayed in the entry fields and nothing can be monitored. To configure the Calculated NVs to be displayed follow the steps detailed below:
