The following figure shows how to remove a Step Definition or a Flow Definition from the sequence of Steps in a Flow Definition. This is done on the Flow Definition Form.

But before you remove a step or a flow, please take note of the following:

  • By removing a Step or Flow from the Sequence, you are NOT deleting the Step Definition or Flow Definition. You are removing a reference to the Step or Flow Definition. For the Step Definition, this can be done at:  Delete or Close Step Definitions.
  • The Flow Definition has to be in the Pending State to be able to perform this operation.
  • When a Flow Definition is Active we strongly recommend to Revision Control before you start removing or adding steps.


Take the following steps to remove a step or flow from the defined sequence:

  1. Open you would like to change.
  2. Take care the Flow Definition is in the Pending State
  3. Click on the 'Flow Steps' tab
  4. Find the step or flow you would like to remove
  5. Click the delete icon
  6. Note: It is possible that the Delete Icon is not directly visible, if it is not visible, use the horizontal scroll bar to move to the right. It is the last column of the list box

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