Within EZ-MES the following Keyboard Shortcuts are supported:


Pressing the F9 key will open a dialog that can be used to find any element in EZ-MES. The entry works with Barcode Readers, so in general: Press F9 and scan the barcode and the appropriate element will open.

Move Around

  • CTRL WINDOW: will close last window and will go back for 20 open Windows
  • Listbox: Within a Listbox keys can be used to navigate the items shown in the listbox
    • Page Up:Go up one screen
    • Page Down:Go down one screen
    • Home: Go to the first item in the listbox
    • End: Go to the last record in the listbox
    • Arrow Up: Go up one Listbox item
    • Arrow Down: Go down one listbox item
    • Arrow Left: Scroll to the left
    • Arrow Right: Scroll to the right
  • Form entries: With in forms the following keys can be used:
    • Space: Will check a checkmark if it has focus
    • Tab: Move to the next entry
      • Standard the move is to a next row
      • It can be configured to move to the next column entry by setting this up in the advanced settings of a flow definition