In this example we will look at the implementation of EZ-MES for a ham processing plant. This ham processing plant is receiving raw ham in combos from it's suppliers. It is processing the ham by mixing in product specific ingredients and creating different packages for the Finished Goods Inventory.

Configuring the Different Processes

The processing of the ham is split up in the following main process flows:

  • Receive Raw Ham Combos

    The ham is received in combos of about 500 pounds, when the combos arrive data is recorded, the combos are serialized and a weight measurement is performed. If everything is OK the combos are put into inventory.

    See how the 'Receive Raw Ham Combos' flow is implemented in EZ-MES.

  • Make Pickle

    Pickle is one of the ingredients for the processed ham. The pickle is created by mixing a number of ingredients.

  • Make Ham

    During the Make Ham a number of combos is mixed

Using the system on the plant floor

We will now walk throught the system the way it will be used after it is configured.

  • Receive Ham Combos

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