The following configuration will demonstrate how you can set up Equipment Preventive Maintenance. 

We will configure a counter for each time the equipment is used. After the equipment counter reaches a specified number determined by the Equipment Definition Spec the equipment will be moved into a maintenance flow.

Once the equipment unit is in the maintenance flow, the necessary steps will be performed and the equipment will be released back into production. While the equipment is in this flow, it's status is 'Unscheduled Down-Time'.  This means that the equipment can't be selected/used until it's maintenance is fully completed and it's released back for production. 

The final step in this maintenance flow will be to obtain a signature sign-off that will reset the counter back to zero and place the equipment back to 'Standy Mode' ready for use again.

  • Create Part Definition - Create a Part Definition that we will be using for the example (You can use an existing Part Definition)  

Part Name: Widget A

  • Create Equipment Definition - Create an Equipment Definition that we will be using for the example (You can use an existing Equipment Definition). Be sure to create an equipment record based on the Equipment Definition.  Without the actual equipment instance, there will not be any equipment to use in the process flow or to perform maintenance on.

Name (Tool Type): Brand X Thermal Cycling Oven

Create a 'Spec Definition' - A Spec Definition will need to be created.  This spec definition will contain a value that contains a amount of 'runs' the equipment can perform before maintenance is required.

Enter the following information on your new 'Spec Definition':

Spec Name = Counter Max Runs

  • Create Step Definitions - We will create Step Definitions for three flows (Part Flow, Equipment Flow, and Maintenance Flow).  For our example we will keep everything simplified.  Also note that we will be creating any necessary Name Values along the way.  Create the following Step Names.

Step Definition(s): Part Flow

Step Name: Heat Cycle

Add Name Values to Step Definitions:  You must now create a Name Value for our Heat Part Step Definition.  It will be of the Equipment Name Value Type, which runs our part through the Equipment Use Flow.

Name Value Tab

Name: Select Oven

Value Type: Equipment

Edit additional Name Value Parameters: This option will clear the value so it will not activate the trigger when/if the part comes back into this step.

General Tab

Equipment Flow Definition: You can not select this yet because it is not completed (We will revisit this later)

Step Definition(s): Equipment Flow

Step Name: EQF: Oven Step

Add Name Values to Step Definitions:  You must now create a Name Value for our EQF: Oven Step Definition.  It will be of the Counter Name Value Type, which counts each time the equipment is used.

Name Value Tab

Name: Run Count

Value Type: Counter

No additional Parameters will need to be set.

Name Value Tab

Name: Temp Value (Degrees F)

Value Type: Text

Edit addtional Name Value Parameters: This option will clear the value so it will not activate the trigger when/if the part comes back into this step.  It also makes it required to fill out before the step is completed.

General Tab

Clear Value on Move: True

Required to Complete Step: True

Step Definition(s): Maintenance Flow

Step Name: Equipment Maintenance Step

No Name Values needed here.  This step represents any maintenance work being performed on the Equipment.

Step Name: EQ Maintenance Sign Off

Add Name Values to Step Definitions:  You must now create a Name Value for our EQ Maintenance Sign Off Step Definition.  The first NV will reset the 'Run Counter' value back to zero.  The second will be a 'Digital Signature' to verify that all maintenance was performed.

Name Value Tab

Name: Counter Reset

Value Type: Calc

Edit addtional Name Value Parameters: This option will reset the counter to zero.

General Tab

String Formula: 0 <- that is a zero

Write To Part NV: Run Count

Name Value Tab

Name: Digital Signature

Value Type: Signature

Edit addtional Name Value Parameters: This option will reset the counter to zero.

General Tab

Clear Value on Move: True

Required To Complete Step: True

User Group: Admin (you will actually be choosing the group that would have permission to sign off such a step).

  • Create Flow Definitions - Create Flow Definitions for our 'Part Flow', 'Equipment Use Flow', and our 'Equipment Maintenance Flow'.

Part Flow

Name: Heat Part

Flow Definition Type: Make Part

Part State When Active: WIP

Part State When Done: RMI

Add Step Definitions to the Flow Definitions - You must now add your Step Definitions onto the Flow Definitions.  Add them as follows.

Step Sequence

Step Name
10 Heat Cycle

Equipment Flow

Name: EQ Flow: Brand X Oven Use

Flow Definition Type: Use Equipment

Part State When Active: Production

Part State When Done: Standby

* 'Standy' will put the Equipment back online for production when the Maintenance flow is completed.

Add Step Definitions to the Flow Definitions - You must now add your Step Definitions onto the Flow Definitions.  Add them as follows.

Step Sequence

Step Name
10 EQF: Oven Step


*Now that your equipment flow is completed.  You can go back and add this flow to your 'Heat Cycle' Step, under the name value 'Select Oven'.

Maintenance Flow

Name: Equipment Maintenance

Flow Definition Type: Use Equipment

Part State When Active: Unscheduled-Down

Part State When Done: Standby

Add Step Definitions to the Flow Definitions - You must now add your Step Definitions onto the Flow Definitions.  Add them as follows.


Step Sequence

Step Name
10 Equipment Maintenance Step

EQ Maintenance Sign Off

  • Create a new Email Type 'Document Definitions' - You can now create your Email Type Document Definitions that will be used as a notification when the equipment requires maintenance, and also when the equipment maintenance is completed.

Maintenance Required Document

Title: Equipment Maintenance Required Notice

Subject: EQ Maintenance Required: -

Email Body (Uploaded HTML File):

Equipment Maintenance Required: , 

Run Count Level Reached:

Warning:  Equipment will be offline until maintenance is performed.

Variables To Be Defined (Pre-Defined PD):

Pre-Defined PD

Variable Name
-- Current Part Name -- EQNA
-- Current Part UID -- EQSN


Variable NV

Variable Name
Step:xxx: Run Count RCOUNT


Maintenance completed Document

Title: EQ Maintenance Completed Email

Subject: EQ Maintenance Completed: , SN:

Email Body (Uploaded HTML File):

Equipment Maintenance Completed: -,

Maintenance was signed off by user:

Note: Equipment is also online and ready to use.

Variables To Be Defined (Pre-Defined PD):

Pre-Defined PD

Variable Name
-- Current Part Name -- CNA
-- Current Part Step SignOut User-- SSO
-- Current Part UID -- EQSN
-- Current Part No -- CPN
  • Create a new 'Actions' - You can now create your Actions.  They will be used as an Equipment Maintenance Required Notification Email, a Equipment Maintenance Completed Notification Email, and another action that repositions the particular piece of equipment on the a Maintenance Flow.

Email Action - Equipment Maintenance Completed, back online

Action Name: Equipment Maintenance - Email Online

Action Type: Email

Email Template: EQ Maintenance Completed Email

To: Enter email addresses you wish to have the notification sent to.

Email Action - Equipment Maintenance Required, taken offline

Action Name: EQ Maintenance Required - Email Notification

Action Type: Email

Email Template: Equipment Maintenance Required

To: Enter email addresses you wish to have the notification sent to.

Reposition Action - Equipment repositioned to Maintenance flow, taken offline

Action Name: Equipment Maintenance - Reposition To Maintenance

Action Type: Reposition 

Flow Definition to Change: Equipment Maintenance

Step In Flow Definition: Equipment Maintenance Step

  • Create a new 'Triggers' - There are two Triggers needed.  Trigger one will fire if the Equipment Run Count is greater than or equal to the Equipment Spec Defined.  It will also only fire after the step is signed off.  The result is firing two actions, 'Equipment Maintenance - Reposition To Maintenance' and 'EQ Maintenance Required - Email Notification'.

Trigger two will fire after the EQ Maintenance Sign Off step is signed off.  This trigger simply fires the action that sends the email.

Trigger Run Count Check

Trigger Name: Check Spec Value For Max Run Count

Done String Formula: iif([RUNCOUNT]>=[MAXCOUNTSPEC],iif([STEP]!=[CURSTEP],true,false),false) 

Add the following Variables:

Variable SP

Variable Name
-Counter Max Runs MAXCOUNTSPEC


Variable NV

Variable Name



Variable SD

Variable Name
EQF: Oven Step STEP
-- Current Part Step -- CURSTEP


EQ Sign off trigger - Sends email

Trigger Name: Activate Equipment Status Change

Done String Formula: [CHECKSTEP]!=[CURRENTSTEP]

Add the following Variables: 

Variable SD

Variable Name
EQ Maintenance Sign Off CHECKSTEP



Variable Name
-- Current Part Step -- CURRENTSTEP


  • Create a new 'Event Definitions' : You will now create a two Event Definitions.  This is where you can attach your Triggers and Actions.  Setup your Event Definition as follows.

Monitor Equipment Run Count - Oven Step

General Tab

Event Name: Move EQ to Maintenance Flow

Trigger Tab

Add Trigger: Spec Value For Max Run Count

Action Tab

Add Action: Equipment Maintenance - Reposition To Maintenance 

Action Group: Done

Add Action: EQ Maintenance Required - Email Notification

Action Group: Done

Equipment Maintenance Completion - EQ Maintenance sign-off

General Tab

Event Name: Complete EQ Maintenance

Trigger Tab

Add Trigger: Activate Equipment Status Change

Action Tab

Add Action: Equipment Maintenance - Reposition To Maintenance

Action Group: Done

Add Action: Equipment Maintenance - Email Online

Action Group: Done

Once the Event Record is created, the Trigger will began being evaluated.  If the Trigger comes up true it will fire, otherwise it will not fire.


Select the following item on the 'Event Records' tab:

Event that monitors Equipment Run Count

Step Definition: EQF: Oven Step

Add Event: Move EQ To Maintenance Flow

Event that monitors Equipment Run Count

Step Definition: EQ Maintenance Sign Off

Add Event: Complete EQ Maintenance