Step Definition Icon Sequence 1Action48x48WhiteBackground arrow-next 2SD48x48Icon arrow-next 3SD48x48New

Step 1 (Step Name): For this example, please enter 'Apply Graphics to Blank Deck'.

Step 2 (Operation Number): For this purpose, please use the Operation Number Generator.

Step 3 (Step Definition Revision): The Operation Number Generator will automatically assign a revision, In this case, it assigned revision 'A'.


We are still not finished with this additional Step Definition. We need to perform a Input/Output Conversion.  This allows 'Part A' to come into a step, and be converted to a 'Part B'. Our example will be converting 'Skateboard Deck (Blank)' to 'Skateboard Deck (Graphics 1)'.  Basically, we are applying graphics to a skateboard deck.

Step 4 (Input): Choose 'Skateboard Deck (Blank)' for our Input part. 

Step 5 (Output): Choose 'Skateboard Deck (Graphics 1)' for our Output part.

Step 6 (Add Input / Output Button): Click the Add Input / Output button to apply the conversion.  You will then see the conversion appear in the table.

Step 7 (State Change): Move Step Definition from Pending to Active.


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