The Name Value Calc can be used to perform automated calculations on a Step Definition on a Traveler. The following figure shows step by step how you can add a calculated value to a Traveler. 

Step by Step sequence on how to define calculated fields for travelers

Take to following steps (numbering matches the figure above):

  1. Activate the Spec Definition Name Value Tab on the Spec Definition Form.
  2. Select the NV Calc Type from the pull down. Fill out the Name and the other attributes on the Name Value Pair Form for this Name Value entry.
  3. Select the value you would like to use in the calculation. All values that are stored on Part Records can be selected from this listbox. Make sure the value exists before the calculation is executed on the traveler.

    Remember that all the pull downs are equiped with Intellisense for Inputs so if you know a part of the name you would like to add, just start typing and the options will filter automatically.

  4. Add a short name for the Variable. Note: square brackets are added to your name. E.g. 'A' changes to '[A]'. In the formula the square brackets have to be used. The names for the variables are case insensitive so both 'a' and 'A' cannot be used to define two different variables. (Learn more about the Syntax for formulas used in the Calc NV type)
  5. For each variable you want to add click the 'Plus' sign. In case you added a variable by accident, or want to delete a variable in the variable list, enter the name in the 'Variable Name' field and press the 'plus' sign again. The variable will be deleted from the list.

    Repeat Step 3-5 untill you have all the variables you would like to use for the calculation.

  6. Compose the formula for the calculation. Remember to use square brackets for each variable.
  7. After your formula is done, you can add the calculated NV to the Step Definition by clicking the Plus Sign. After hitting the 'plus' sign, the new NV will be added to the 'Name-Value Pairs' listbox (At the bottom of this NV Tab. The sequence number in the listbox can be used to change the order in which the values will appear on the Traveler.

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