sMIoOnClick is the attribute that controls the action that is exectuted after the specific Menu Item is clicked in the EZ-MES User Interface.

The syntax for the sMIoOnClick attribute is a JSON Array of JSON objects. In all cases there is only a single JSON object inside the Array, but the square brackets for the Array are manditory.

The following shows a generic example for sMIoOnClick in text format:


This JSON can be represented graphically:

sMIoOnClick JSON


It consists of the following arguments:

  1. f: This defines the main function that will be executed. In most cases the value will be: fEZHash’
  2. a1: The sub command you want to execute with the click on the Menu Item
  3. a2: Additional argument for the command defined in the a1 argument1. 

a1 argument

By defining the ‘a1’ argument shown above, you can address different types of listboxes. For example a1:vFRActLst shows all the Active Travelers.

a2 argument

The a2 argument is used to define additional options for the Listbox that will overwrite the default behavior of the Listbox.

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