Icon for Inventory Adjustment

Quantities in Raw Material Inventory (RMI) and Finished Goods Inventory (FGI) can be adjusted by the 'Inventory Adjustment' function which can be accessed from the Inventory management Desktop.

RMI48x48  Status48x48FGI

NOTE: By setting up the Create and Use Part Specific Receive Flow It's possible to attach Inventory Receive Flow to specific Part Definitions. This can be used to 'force' an Incoming Inspection or serialization procedure when new material is received.

The following figure shows the steps required to change the Inventory Quantity levels:


To change the inventory quantities, take the following Steps.

  1. From the different Desktop Tabs, click the Inventory management Desktop.
  2. Click the Adjust Inventory Icon. This will open the 'Manage Part Inventory' listbox.
    Icon to perform Inventory Adjustments
  3. In case you cannot find the part you want to create, use Filtering Listboxes functionality  to find the Part Definition for which you want to adjust the quantity
  4. Enter the number of parts you would like to add to the inventory in the entry field
    If the selected Part is Discrete then the number of Part Records that will be created will be equal to the quantity entered. For Non-Discrete parts only a single Part Record will be created.
  5. Click the plus sign next to the entry
    In case the Part Definition of the part you want to create has a defined Use Part Specific Receive Flow Traveler will be created with Part Records already attached. Dependent on the steps of the inventory flows different attributes can be assigned to the parts.
  6. Enter the number of parts you would like to delete from inventory in the entry field
  7. Click the minus sign next to the entry

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