The following diagrams show the relation between the different MES objects and the different attributes for each object:
FR Flow Record (Traveler)
The Flow Record MES Object, also knows as the Traveler object, has numerous attributes that are detailed below.
- sFRID - Traveler No
- CurrentStatus - Status
- sFRiPri - Traveler Priority
- sFRProcessState - Process State
- arJbConv: ['sFRFD'], iType: 3.1, , sDbNm: 'sJob' - sFRFDLink
- sFRPRiQty, iType: 6 - Attached Qty
- sFRRPQty, iType: 6 - Requested. Qty
- sFRsCalcPosition - Current Step Position
- sFRiCalcStepsLeft, iType: 6 - Remaining Steps
- sFRSD - Current Step
- sFRVPGoal - Part Goal
- sFRVP - Part
- sFRarPRLotID - Traveler Lot(s)
- sFRarPRUniqueID - Traveler UID(s)
- sFRNotes - Notes as entered on the traveler
- sFRRQ - Work Order
- sFRiStart - Start Date
- arJbConv: ['sFRFD'], sDbNm: 'sFDPartType' - Traveler Active State
- arJbConv: ['sFRFD'],sDbNm: 'sFDEndChangeState' - Traveler Done State
- Initiator - Traveler Initiator
- arJbConv: ['sFRFSR'], sDbNm: 'sFRFSR_Initiator - Last Moved By
sFRsPosition - Absolute Position Text includes excluded steps defined on FD
sFRsCalcPosition - Same as above but listens to the excluded steps
sFRiPercentComplete - Just doing a math expression that is Current Step / Total Steps * 100
sFRiCalcPercentComplete - Same as above but listens to the excluded steps
sFRiStepsLeft - Steps Left in Flow
sFRiCalcStepsLeft - Same as above but listens to the excluded steps
sFRiStepEntry - MS Value when it entered the step, for tracking how long it sits.
The Request MES object is used as a Work Order. It has a number of attributes and contains a list of Requested Items (RI).
- sRQNo: Unique number for the Work Order
- sRQDate: The date the Work Order is issued
- sRQOR: The organization placing the Work Order
- sRQPONo: PO number that is connected to this Work Order
- sRQPOReceiveDate: The date the PO is received
- sRQReqDate: The date the results of the Work Order is required
- sRQSONo: Connected Sales Order Number
- sRQCA: Charge Account for this Work Order
- sRQDescr: Additional comments for this Work Order
- sRQType: Currently disabled
RQ attributes for tabs or faster processing:
- sRQBG: First Blog (BG) object connected to this Work Order (chained list)
- sRQRQ: ?? (No idea why we need this)
- sRQFD: The Default Flow Definition to create items on this Work Order
- sRQID: ?? (No idea why we need this)
- sRQProcessState: ??
- sRQPRiQty
- sRQVPGoal
- And some more…
The following shows how the Part Definition object is connected to the other MES objects:
Part Definition Data Structure
NV Attributes
- sNVValueType
- The following values are possible:
- BOM Consumption
- Calc
- Checkbox
- Condition
- Consumption
- Contact
- Date
- DateTime
- Equipment
- File Attachement
- Label Printed
- Lot
- Number
- Organization
- Pulldown
- Qty Edit
- Sample Part
- Sample Part Flow
- Sequencer
- Split
- Split Part
- SQL Adapter
- Text
- Unique ID
NV are linked to SD and determine the data that has to be collected when PR(s) on an FR move through an SD.
NVRs can create a chain when they are recorded multiple times on the same PR for the same NV. The last NVR on the chain contains the last recorded value.
The Name Value Record has the following attributes:
- sNVRNV: Link to the Name Value
- sNVRPSR: Link to the PSR for the PR when the Value was recorded.
- sNVRPR: Link to the Part Record PR for which this value is recorded.
- sNVRPROld: Link to the ‘old’ PR when an NVR is archived (because a new NVR is recorded on the same NV)
- sNVRPrev: Previous recorded NVR for this PR and NV (can only point to an archived NVR).
- sNVRNext: Next NVR for this PR and NV
- sNVRPrevValue: Direct access to the previous (archived) value.
- sNVRValue: Last recorded value
- sNVRbEx: Boolean used on the NV dialog Data tab, to exclude data points. Only useful if you filter the data using the excluded data.
- sNVRarPR: Array of all the Part Records that are split from a single part record and that need access to this value.
Filter historic values
A single NV can create multiple NVR’s for a single Part Record. These NVR’s are linked with the sNVRPrev and the sNVRNext attributes. For the most current NVR value the sNVRNext attribute has a null value.
Another way to get the current NVR value is to
The Part Record is the MES representation of a real-world part. The attributes of the Part Record record the current properties of a Par Record (and will change over time). The Part Step Record records the a number of these attributes as historic records. The following diagram shows the Part Record (PR) and Part Step Record (PSR).
Data can also be 'linked'. For example to show the sFRNotes on an overview of parts, use:
{ sTitle: 'Notes', iW: 180, arJbConv: ['sPRFR'], sDbNm: 'sFRNotes', iType: 3.1 }
Here the arjbConv links the Part Record with the Flow Record to receive the sFRNotes value.
Part Record and Part Step Record
Part Step Records
sPRSRSF Stores the Step Flow link. In case it is an hierarchical flow it stores an array in JSON notation for the SF Job values. The highest level (the SF that is calling another FD to link) is the SF that will show up first in the Array list.
FD Flow Definition
- sFDStepQt - Number of possible steps in a Flow
- sFDCalcStepQty - Same as above, but it listens to the excluded steps
Useful Links
- General SOAP Information
- Making Your First Client / Web Service Connection
- SOAP Instruction Set
- Using the EZ_SoapReader Application
- MES Query Syntax
- MES Objects
- MES Data Structure
- Example MES Queries
- Use Fiddler to get MES Queries