After the creation of Equipment Definitions it can be used to create Equipment Records, by performing the following steps:

  • Create an Equipment Definition, the example below expects that this is already done
  • Create a Step Definition that can be used to assign equipment data to the Equipment Records
  • Create a Flow Definitions that uses the Equipment Definition and Step Definition that support the creation of an Equipment Record
  • Start an Equipment Traveler, which will create the Equipment Record

The following example will show all those steps.

As equipment management at a minimum typically requires serialization and some other meta data of all new equipment, we will in the example receive new equipment and assign the following to the new Equipment Record:

  • Serialize - Assign internal serial number
  • Manufacturer S/N - Assign the manufacturers S/N
  • Asset Number - Assign internal asset number
  • Location - Assign physical location in the building
  • File - Attach File for the new equipment e.g. datasheet, calibration report etc...

Create Step Definition

Follow the following steps to create a Step Definition that can later be used.



Configure Name Values for the Step

As the equipment will be serialized, including the collection of some other meta data, those can be created in the Name Value section of the Part Definition.



Create Flow Definition

Now we need to create a Flow Definition to accommodate our new Step Definition:



Now we add the previous created Step Definition to the new Flow Definition:


Create an Equipment Traveler to Create Equipment

To Create the Equipment Record, we first create a new travler by opening the Flow Definition that was created above. On the Flow Definition Form we use the 'Start Flow Record' section to create a new Flow Record.

On the traveler we fill in the following data:

  1. Fill out the quantity of record you would like to create, in this example it is one, but by using another number, you can create more equipment at once.
  2. Press the 'Create Equipmnent Records' Button
  3. Fill out the Unique Names for the Equipment, like the Serial number, Manufacturer S/N, etc.
  4. Press the 'Sign Off' button to move the Flow Record to the next step.


Now we have created or modified an Equipment Part Record to have the following Name Values: (See Equipment Record and list below).

  • Serialize - Assign internal serial number
  • Manufacturer S/N - Assign the manufacturers S/N
  • Asset Number - Assign internal asset number
  • Location - Assign physical location in the building
  • File - Attach File for the new equipment e.g. datasheet, calibration report etc...



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