The Advanced Tab is where you can specify the details for the Step Definitions.


Advanced options

Step Description

Enter details of the step description.

Track In

Check the box to activate the Track-In function to accurately track the time an operator spends on a particular production step.

Cued Edit

Check this box to allow user to edit the values when process state is queued

Attachments Check

Check this box to check the attachments for this Step Definition

Hide Next Steps Move

Check this box to hide the next step's move in the system

Confirm Next Steps Move

Check this box to confirm the next step's move in the system 

Traveler Label Format

Select the Traveler Label Format for the Step Definition

Part Label Format

Select the Part Label Format for the Step Definition

Category selection

Add new Categories or select a predefined Category for this Step Definition from the pull down list

Step Image Display Configuration Selection

Here images can be selected that can be used as Visual Instructions on a Traveler.

Name-value options

Input Section Width (100)

Enter the section width for the entry fields of the Name Value that is showed on the Travelers - default is 100

Label Section Width (200) 

Enter the section width for the label fields of the Name Value - Default is 200 


Check this box to show the JSON scriptfor the Name Value

Show JSON Errors

Check this box to show the JSON errors generated for the Name Value.

Step time

This step time is the average step time, and can be used for scheduling purposes.

Time units

Select units for the step's Average Queue and Processing time entry - Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days or Weeks

Exclude step for calculation

Check this box to exclude the step from any scheduling calculations 

Average Cue Time

Enter the average queue time for this step using time units defined above

Average Processing Time

Enter the average processing time for this step using time units defined above

Useful Links