Every column to configure with the Listbox Configuraton using JSON will have specific attributes that can be used to change the data and the display of this data.  Below we discuss a few of the basic attributes used.


bHyperLink is a boolean attribute (true/false).  This attribute will display the data as a hyperlink.


One attribute that you may need help with is iType.  This attribute tells the systemp which type of data is being displayed in the column.  iTypes are integer based values that provide a wide range of data types from numbers, text, icons, dates, etc.


iW simply controls the width of the column.


sDbNm is the attribute the tells the listbox which data will be displayed.  Basically every recorded value in the system is stored in a sDbNm.  It is best to view the current default listboxes to view the sDbNm's being used.


sIconClass is used in conjuction with 'iType: 10'  It is the attribute that calls the CSS name for the image to display in the column.


Every column in the Listbox must contain a unique name.  By default it is taken from the sDbNm.  However, in the event two colums use the same sDbNm you must then use sID to uniquely identify each column.  It is good practice to give an sID for every column to insure there are no issues.


sTitle displays the column header title.


sTT shows a Tool Tip when hoovering over the column header


sTxtAlgn is provies column data justification.  the options are 'center', 'left', 'right'.


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