Throughout the EZ-MES application the Part Grabber is used in many places. The Part Grabber is used to select Part Records, and move them from one Traveler to another. For example to:

The following figure shows Step by Step how parts can be grabbed. If it is difficult to locate the part you need and you have hundreds you can use filters of the Listbox to narrow the scope of the returned parts list.


Different Part Grabbers

For the Hold Part-Grabber only a Hold-Flow can be selected before the parts can be added. For the reposition Part-Grabber the following must be specified before the addition of parts can be completed:

Different modes

The 'Parts Grabber' dialog has two modes.  Grabbing 'Discrete Parts' and also grabbing 'Non-Discrete Parts'. 

Grabbing a 'Discrete Part' will require the operator to select a specific part based on something that is unique, possibly a serial or lot number.  It will look like the image below:


Grabbing a Non-Discrete Part is different because the parts are not unique.  You do not have to conscious of the grabbing specific parts as they are all considered equal.  The 'Parts Grabber Dialog for Non-Discrete parts' will look like the image below.


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