Different EZ-MES Objects have their own states, which represent the state they are in, and depending on their state, different things can be done, or functioning:

  • Object States
    Pending, Active, Archived and Deleted
  • All Configuration Objects have 'Object States' that are Pending, Active and Closed/Archived. In the case where an Object has more than a single Object State, this can be changed by pressing the 'Next' or 'Previous' Buttons in the upper right corner of the Object Form. Each Configuration Object follows those states, but some details can be different per object, this is explained in the Form per object, where the key Forms are: Part Definition Form, Step Definition Form Flow Definition Form.
    StatusUpdateToPending48x48  StatusUpdateToActiveLeft48x48  StatusUpdateToActiveRightGreen48x48  StatusUpdateToArchived48x48  Note: These are the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons for an object
    To change the Object State to Deleted the Object must be in the Pending State. Placing the Object State to Pending makes the delete button visible on the Object Form.

  • TrashCan48x48

  • Part States
    The state of Part Records is determined by the Traveler  and can be On Order, RMI, WIP, Consumed, Hold, Scrapped, FGI or Shipped. The state is defined on the Flow Definition that is connected to the Flow Record. On the Flow Definition you can define two states, one when for when 'Active' and one for 'Done': Define Part States on a Flow Definition. The Parts State Matrix is a usefull report to give a quick overview of the different states per part. Follow this link to learn more about Part States.
    Part States to see if Parts are in WIP, RMI, On Order, FGI, Consumed, Shipped
  • Process States
    The Process State can be QUEUED, INPROCESS, or DONE. It is determined by the Traveler and the way the Step Definition is configured. Follow this link to learn more about Process States.

    Process States to see if Parts are CUED, INPROCESS, or DONE

  • Equipment States
    Equipment within EZ-MES always is in one of the 6 basic states as defined in SEMI E10: Standby, Productive, Engineering, Scheduled Down, Unscheduled Down and Non-Scheduled Time. Follow this link to learn more about Equipment States.

    Equipment States Can have one of the SEMI E10 States: Productive, Engineering, Standby, Unscheduled Down, Scheduled Down and Non-Scheduled Time

  • User Defined States
    On the Part Definition additional states can be defined. For these states the user is free to use any naming convention they wish.
  • Derived States
    For some of the Objects the state can be derived from other connected objects. An example is the Lot, the state of the Lot is determined by the state of the connected Part Records.

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