The Advanced Tab of the Flow Definitions form provides many additional settings that covers general flow configuration, Categorie selection, LotFlow Record / Traveler visibility and Name Value options.


Flow Definition Description: Enter a description for the Flow Definition.  This will be visible on the Flow Record / Traveler notes.

Part Qty Limit: Will allow a maximum limit for the number of Part Records that can be added to a Flow Record / Traveler.

Show Part Description: Show the part description as entered in the Spec Definition Form.

Default Remove from Inventory Flow?: Remove the Part Record from inventory by default

Close Form after Sign Off: Close the Flow Record / Traveler form automatically once it's signed off/completed by the user

Lot Options

Create split Lot when split: Check this box to split the Lot to a new Lot.

Name of the new split Lot: Select the new Lot naming convention from the drop down list

  • XXX splits to XXX.A
  • XXX splits to XXX.1
  • XXX.XX splits to XXX.XX.A
  • XXX.1 splits to XXX.2
  • XXX.A splits to XXX.B

Merge conditions: Select the merge conditions for the Lot split from the drop down list

  • Default-Allow Mulitple IDs on FR (Note: FR is the Traveler)
  • Overwrite Source ID with Destination ID

Category Selection

Category: Create or select the Categorie for the Flow Definition from a predefined Category list

Traveler Visibility Options

Disable Hyperlinks: Disable all hyperlinks on the Flow Record / Traveler

Hide Process State: Hide the Process States on the Traveler

Display Compressed View: Check this option to activate the Flow Record / Traveler compressed view

Hide Parts Tab: Check this option to hide the Parts tab from the Flow Record / Traveler  partnew48x48

Hide Specs Tab: Check this option to hide the Spec Definitions tab from the Traveler  SP48x48

Hide Instructions Tab: Check this option to hide the Instructions tab from the TravelerDocuments attached to the Flow Definition's step are contained in the Instructions tab  Instructions

Hide Attachments Tab: Check this option to hide the Attachments tab from the Traveler  Attachments

Hide Comments Tab: Check this option to hide the Blog/Comments tab from the Traveler Blog48x48

Hide Access Tab: Check this option to hide the Access Rights tab from the Traveler Key32x32

Hide Print Button: Check this option to hide the Print button from the Traveler   FR48x48PrintPopUp

Hide Hold Button: Check this option to hide the Hold button from the Traveler  FR48x48Hold

Cancel Running Events: Check this option to cancel running Events  Event48x48

Name-Value Options

Input Section Width: Modify width of the data entry input fields on the Traveler (Default 100)

Label Section Width: Modify width of the label fields on the Traveler (Default 200)

Information (Read Only)

Makes / Creates Parts: Indicates if the Traveler makes or creates Part Records in the system

Consumes Input Parts: Indicates if the Traveler consumes Part Records in the system

Last Calculation: Details the last calculation date and time on the Traveler

Calculation Messages: Calculation messages for the Traveler are displayed in this listbox

Input >Outputs: Details all Input-Output Conversions defined on the Traveler

Useful Links